New Delhi, Feb 1 (KNN) The flow of Chinese yarn and finished fabric through the Bangladesh route is giving a difficult time to the textile industries at home, comprising primarily of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Punjab Pradesh Beopar Mandal said.
Punjab Pradesh Beopar Mandal president PL Seth in a press interview raised that China is exploiting and entering the market at cheap price by routing its material through Bangladesh. “Since Bangladesh is exempted from paying any duty under the SAARC agreement, Chinese yarn and finished fabric is able to enter our markets through Bangladesh”, Seth said. Along with the local textile industry, local dress material industry as well as printing industry is at stake due to the unfavourable competition, he added. Industrial areas of Ludhiana in Punjab as well as Bhilwara in Rajasthan houses a number of textile units making different kinds of fabrics including suiting, shirting, blazer and blankets. With the market condition moving from bad to worse, these units as well as the large share of population that finds employment in these units are nearing a vulnerable stage, Seth said.