Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today asked the Union government to sanction the maximum possible amount for compensating the farmers hit by pest attacks and the fishermen whose boats were destroyed during Cyclone Ockhi
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today asked the Union government to sanction the maximum possible amount for compensating the farmers hit by pest attacks and the fishermen whose boats were destroyed during Cyclone Ockhi.
Fadnavis met a team of Central officials led by Joint Secretary, Agriculture, Ashwini Kumar and discussed the damage suffered by cotton and paddy farmers and fishermen, a release said here. A pink bollworm attack affected the cotton crop in 28 districts and a pest attack on paddy hit the farmers in Sindhudurg, Nagpur, Bhandara, Gondia, Chandrapur and Gadchiroli districts, Fadnavis told the Central team.
The state government has demanded Rs 3,373.31 crore from the Union government, he said. The Central team visited Marathwada and Vidarbha regions and interacted with farmers to assess the crop damage, the release said.