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The Southern India Mills’ Association

Committed to Foster the Growth of the Textile Industry

Control on cloth output liberalised

A comprehensive short-term policy, which includes adjustments of pattern of production, marketing and excise duty on cotton textiles, was announced by the Commerce Minister, Mr. Dinesh Singh, in the Rajya Sabha to-day [May 1, New Delhi] to relieve the present difficulty faced by the textile industry. Under the new scheme, the area of control has been reduced from 40 to 25 per cent. The controlled varieties will now consist of dhotis, saris long cloth, shirting and drill made in coarse and lower medium categories. The superfine, fine and higher medium categories have been taken off the control. A two per cent increase in the ex-mill price of the controlled varieties has been allowed, but this will not affect the consumer price, because it will be absorbed by the reduction in excise duty from 3 paise to 1 ½ paise per square metre and abolition of processing surcharge. In order to maintain the competitive position of decentralised sector vis-a-vis the mill sector, a corresponding reduction is being made in the processing surcharges applicable to coarse and medium handloom and power-loom cloth.
