Cotton Association of India Monday said it has reelected Atul S Ganatra as president and Bhupendrasingh Rajpal as vice president.
The decision was taken in a CAI board meeting last week, a release said here.
Vinay N Kotak was elected as the additional vice president, it added.
CAI represents all segments of the cotton trade and textile industry of the country including mill buyers, growers and growers co-operatives, ginners, brokers, merchants, importers and exporters.
Maha achieves 100% household electrification * Maharashtra power utility Mahavitaran Monday said it has completed household electrification under the Saubhagya scheme.
Under the scheme, the state utility has electrified 10.93 lakh households across Maharashtra achieving 100 per cent household electrification, Mahavitaran said in a statement issued here.
Among the 10.93 lakh households, 10.67 lakh are given electricity connection through the traditional method and the remaining beneficiaries were given electricity connection through the Maharashtra Energy Development Authority (MEDA).