The 2017/18 season was the third consecutive for growth in world cotton demand, with production at an estimated 26.6 tons and world mill use projected at 25.5 million tons
For the current season, decreasing stocks in China are being offset elsewhere. China’s cotton stocks are projected down to 9 million tons, while cotton production outside of China is projected at up to 10.3 million tons – marking the fourth consecutive season-to-season increase. But there is a caveat.
“Along with weather issues in the Xinjiang region, which represents 75% of China’s cotton area, and potential drought conditions in West Texas affecting 25% of the US crop, there may be concern of quality supply gaps which may affect next season’s supply,” the ICAC cautioned. World cotton consumption is projected to increase to 26.7 million tons in 2018/19, while world cotton production is estimated at 25.7 million tons, the organization noted in its June report. Key takeaways:
Production in China is projected to decrease to 5.6 million tons in 2018/19 based on reduced planting area, while consumption is forecasted to increase to 8.4 million tons.
Reduced yields in 2017/18 in India are contributing to lowered planted area for 2018/19, with exports projected at 840,000 tons representing a 24% decrease from the previous season.
Production in Brazil for the 2017/18 season is estimated to be 1.9 million tons, a 26% increase from 2016/17, with 900,000 tons projected for export.
• Production for the West Africa region in 2017/18 is projected at 1.2 million tons, representing a 13% growth from the previous season, with exports for the region expected at 1.04 million tons.