With a view to ensuring compliance with Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board norms, over 35 textile processing units and industries at SIPCOT, Perundurai, by adopting zero liquid discharge technology, among other steps.
This was decided at a meeting convened here by theSouthern India Mills’ Association (SIMA) and Perundurai SIPCOT Textile Processors Association, which deliberated on pro-active measures to be taken up to protect the environment.
The June 7 meeting unanimously decided to enforce self-discipline to ensure sustainability with regard to the environment, a SIMA press release said here today.
Each textile processing unit would ensure compliance with TNPCB norms by adopting zero liquid discharge technology,apart from conserving water and recording effluent treatment performance data with water quality watch centre of the Board, the release said.
It was also decided to engage a competent and credible external body, Nataraj said, adding this would create further confidence in the minds of all stakeholders.
He said each textile processing unit has invested between Rs 10 crore and Rs 30 crore for ZLD effluent treatment plants and spent huge recurring expenditure to comply with environmental norms.
Nataraj said textile processing is the weakest link in the entire textile value chain, particularly in Tamil Nadu and availability of quality water and treatment of textiles in a cost-effective manner have become the major challenge for the processing sector to sustain its viability and survival.
He pointed out that Tamil Nadu is one of the fastest growing states complying with various laws in the country and had also pioneered in the adoption of ZLD technology to treat textile effluents to protect the environment.
The State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd (SIPCOT) has encouraged industrialists to follow the regulations and comply with various statutes and has promoted a large number of industries, Nataraj said.