Suresh Prabhu, Union Minister for Commerce and Industry and Civil Aviation, said on Friday that the Union government was giving priority to promoting exports.
He was speaking after inaugurating the Indian Institute of Gems and Jewellery (IIGJ) through a video conference here.
Mr. Prabhu said that through constant efforts, the country had diversified its export basket to bring in new commodities. Exports from the country had hit an all time high this year. “Our service and merchandise exports will certainly be more than $500 billion this year,” he said.
In order to give a further push to exports, the government would be starting trade promotion offices in different countries. Promotion of exports would also help small and medium enterprises in the country, he said.
The Centre was implementing a ?2,600 crore package to rejuvenate the leather sector of the country. This package gives priority to upgrading technology and improving market access to the exporters, he said.
The youth should also gain expertise in designing through the various courses offered at the Indian Institute of Gems and Jewellery here.
“Udupi will, henceforth, not only be known as a temple town and not just for its food and Udupi restaurants, but also for jewellery designing,” Mr. Prabhu said.